I thought this might happen, so with your permission I'd like to show you something special...
And I have a feeling you're going to LOVE this...
Because you're about to get an even bigger stash of secrets & closely-guarded techniques that will make you the ultimate lover of every woman's fantasies.
So here's how it works. If you upgrade your order and try out Erect On Command, which I told you about a moment ago...
I want this to be a brain-dead simple decision...
And I'm making you this one-time offer because I don't want something like price to stand between you and having the success you deserve.
Plus, as I know from helping thousands of men, some situations are extra challenging and more complicated...
And the more tools you've got, the better prepared you'll be.
So here's what to do next...
Scroll down and check out all 8 extra programs you get with this upgrade.
Keep in mind, they are ONLY available on this page. You will not find them anywhere else...
Then click the big button at the bottom to instantly add this entire package to your order. (The Manhood Maximizer program PLUS all of the extras.)
Testosterone is your "master hormone" that makes you a man, but by age 30 you begin experiencing a sharp decline in your "T levels" every year...
And as you get into your 40s and 50s and beyond, your testosterone falls off a cliff!
"Low T" results in mood swings, low energy, trouble sleeping and focusing, and your muscle mass melting into squishy flab, no matter how hard you exercise.
Then there are the devastating effects to your sex life, including low libido and difficulty getting and maintaining erections...
Yet with the natural testosterone-boosting secrets inside this report, you can reverse your "Low T" and reclaim your masculine power.
Can you remember how EXPLOSIVE your "money shots" were when you were younger and in your prime?
When you blew a load it even FELT way more intense, didn't it?
And the ability to unleash huge loads is a huge turn-on for women...because it's one of the most powerful indicators that you're a strong, healthy, virile MAN.
Now you can use this simple, natural method to super-charge your ejaculations by 300% or even more.
In this exclusive training video, you'll discover three easy techniques that will re-wire and re-train your brain for maximum bulletproof confidence when it's time to give her an unforgettable sexual experience.
At any time, you'll know how to activate your inner sexual beast as easily as flipping a switch...
While CRUSHING any anxiety or fears you've got about giving a satisfying performance.
From now on, you won't just "satisfy" the woman you're with...
You'll get her mentally and physically addicted to you, so that when you're not around, she CRAVES you inside of her.
This video training module destroys your limiting beliefs and arms you with the mindset of a confident, dominant "Alpha Male"...the type that makes women feel uncontrollable attraction and lust.
Discover how a clever techniques used by psychics & fortune tellers can be used to turn normal "small talk" with women into a sexy mind game.
She'll be astonished by your ability to "read her mind"...and then it's easy for you to take control of the sexual desire center of her mind and make her crave you.
Every guy has fantasized about having two women pleasure him, and being able to pleasure them like a sexual powerhouse.
Discover a simple but effective "threesomes strategy" in this special video + audio bonus pack, which allows you to get two women wet and throbbing for each other, and for YOU...
As you guide and control this unforgettable sexual adventure.
Learn how to get her uncontrollably warm, wet and throbbing...activating her primal, hungry desire to RIDE YOUR POLE as soon as possible. And the more you give it to her, the more she craves it!
With The Sex God Blueprint, you'll give her so many explosive multiple orgasms that she'll become addicted to you...
And she'll feel physically uncomfortable when she goes a few hours without having you inside of her.
Single guys are RAVING about this program, and married guys are, too...because here you will discover simple "sexual teasing" techniques that make her tingle with excitement and attraction.
Skip the boring small talk and use these sexy conversation tactics to display the "bad boy confidence" that women find irresistible.
If the 3 extra bonuses I just told you about were sold separately, they would be worth at least $297...
Yet on this page, I've added them to the Manhood Maximizer program for free.
And just like everything else you order today, it's all covered by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee...
Which means I've removed all of the risk from your purchase and put it on MY shoulders.
And once you leave this page, this opportunity is gone forever!
Yet here on this private page, it's all yours for just 47 bucks...
And you're really only "trying it out" because you're covered by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Go through the materials at your convenience, watch the trainings, swipe the secrets...
And if you don't feel thrilled and grateful about your results, just email our friendly 24-Hour Customer Support team for a refund. No questions asked.
Just a moment from now, you'll get instant access to Manhood Maximizer and all of these valuable extra trainings, inside our Members Area.
Click the button below and I'll see you on the inside.
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